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#Work log

I saw that someone else had one of these and it seemed like a fairly useful thing to have, so, heres mine.


18th Hearthstone discord bot now stores all card data once only; lookups should be much faster
Filters can now be added by tag eg. [[artist=Sass]]. Multiple filters can be applied in one lookup!
19th Added Twitter Cards to
Drew taako from Episode 67 of The Adventure Zone
20th Made this work log
22nd Moved house!
 I had no internet for the rest of September. :(


1st Re-enrolled with Warwick university
2nd Started at the Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities
Retrieved new student card
3rd Met with lecturer about Functional Programming module
Attended first FP lecture
4th Met with PhD supervisor
Met with game developer about porting game
5th Had induction with the other PhD students at DCS
Attended the Freshers Fair for Warwick Game Design
Gave the Welcome talk at WGD
6th Teacher Training workshop all day
7th Investigated feasibility of porting game to Haxe from AS3
Contacted Leamington contacts about giving talks at WGD
Read upcoming lecture slides for FP
8th Added a games section to this website with links to some of my games on it
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